Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti - Th. Bergs Gade 12, FREDERIKSHAVN, 9900, Frederikshavn, Denmark
Company Information
- Company registration number
- 32135714
- Company Status
- Country
- Denmark
- Registered Address
- Th. Bergs Gade 12
- 9900
- Frederikshavn Th. Bergs Gade 12, FREDERIKSHAVN, 9900, Frederikshavn DK
Company Details
- Incorporated
- 2009-04-01
- Age Of Company 2009-04-01 15 years
Jurisdiction Particularities
- Company Name (english)
- Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti
- Additional Status Details
- Aktiv
- Phone
- 98479500
Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti Company Description
- Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti is a Anden udenlandsk virksomhed registered in Denmark with the Company reg no 32135714. Its current trading status is "live". It was registered 2009-04-01. It can be contacted at Th. Bergs Gade 12 by phone on 98479500 .
Get Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti Register ReportBeneficial Owners CheckAnnual Accounts
You are here: Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti - Th. Bergs Gade 12, FREDERIKSHAVN, 9900, Frederikshavn, Denmark
- 2009-04-01
- 0-2
- 3-5
- 6-20
- 21-50
- 51+
- years
Did you know? kompany provides original and official company documents for Bus Travel Oy Reissu Ruoti as filed with the government register. Guaranteed.
Register Report
Official proof of the company existence
Beneficial Owners Check
Beneficial Owners details
Annual Accounts
Financial data for the last reported full year