Release notes
June 2022
Posted 2022-06-30
Updated 2024-11-21
This month we’ve released a wide range of improvements and fixes. Our upgrades include service optimisations in various countries as well as our data quality increments. Keep reading for a full report of what we’ve been working on this June!
Fixes minor improvements
- CH (Switzerland) – We now show CHID as oldnumberand UID as newNumberin the extraDatasection.
- The registrationNumber is the CHID / extraData.oldnumberas default, but on demand an application can be enabled to use UID / extraData.newNumber as the registrationNumber.
Data quality upgrades
- CA (Canada) – We have delivered several data improvements, with more to come next month. Current improvements include:
- we now always show Alternate Name as extraData.otherName(the alternate name is the name of the company in English or French, depending on which registry the company is located)
- we have added the postalCodeto the address
- we have made amendments to the legalFormof companies
- we have fixed the dateOfIncorporation
- NL (Netherlands) – We have upgraded our mapping in terms of company names. Changes include:
- name is now Statutaire naam from the source
- extraData.otherName(Trade name on kompany.com) is now Handelsnaam
- We have also re-mapped the field used to get the legalForm.
- RU (Russia) – Our connection with Russia is now fully restored and stable; data and documents can be retrieved
- UK (United Kingdom) – Connection issues have been repaired and we can also now provide VAT checks for UK companies seamlessly
- DK (Denmark) – We solved an issue in regards to document retrieval (Registration Details & Beneficial Owners Check)
- PL (Poland) – We have restored the connection for retrieving the beneficial_ownersdataset
- US (United States) – We restored the connection with the following states: California (US-CA), Indiana (US-IN), District of Columbia (US-DC)
Developer Portal
- We have deployed bugfixes on the Console page. Please be advised that the original API dashboard Online Docs site will be retired soon, therefore it is strongly advised to use the new Developer Portal Console going forward.
Coming next
- Next month we plan to release a new country integration with Brazil as well as enhancements for Canada, Luxembourg and Malta