Release notes
July 2023
Thank you for your interest in our monthly release notes! Here are some of the key features and improvements we have made to our product offerings this past month.
Special announcement
Restructure of documentation on Developer Portal
- As we have already mentioned in our last month release notes, API v2 has become the default view for content and console. Give it a try!
New Payment method – WireTransfer
- We have added Wire Transfer as an additional payment option. See below how you can access it.

- Our Perpetual Monitoring product is exclusively available via our KYC API and is activated upon request. If you are interested in this solution, please get in touch with our sales team. You can also find out more in this article.

News in APIv2
- New endpoints: Monitor and callback
- Special productOrders (LandRegister, KYBAssist)
- Changes in Sandbox functionality
- To find out more about APIv2 check out our one pager
New Connections
Jordan (JO)
- New integration is now LIVE. It offers data and documents from Companies Control Department – Ministry of Industry and Trade – Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (دائرة مراقبة الشركات). You can read more details in this article.
Estonia (EE)
- New documents offered from Registrite ja Infosüsteemide Keskus (RIK): Articles of Associations (ADDASRIEE) and Annual Accounts (ADDAARIEE).
Improvements & Fixes
Austria (AT)
- We have revisited the mapping of the raw data, therefore sole traders registered in Austria via Firmenbuch no longer have an incorporationDate, as this is not existing at the primary source level.
Coming next
Italy (IT) – New direct connection to Italian Business Register (Registro Imprese) for extended data & documents.
Bahrain (BH) – New connection to the Commercial Registration Portal – SIJILAT is going to boost our presence in the Middle East.
United States (US) – Connection to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (EDGAR).
API v2 – Next on the roadmap is to add Verification Endpoints (TIN, EIN, VAT, leiValidation, ISIN, IBAN).
Thank you for using our products. We appreciate your feedback, which help us to improve with each release. Please continue to share your thoughts with us via ma_kom_support@moodys.com and we look forward to providing you with more updates and enhancements in the next release.